
Antivirus and Spyware Removal

Long a threat to enterprise computer networks around the world, computer viruses and spyware are now targeted toward small- to medium-sized businesses. Computer viruses hide themselves in files such as Word documents or spreadsheets. When these files are opened a virus spreads quickly throughout your network infecting everything it contacts. Some viruses are laced with spyware—programs that take over your interaction with the computer for commercial gain. Spyware does more than monitor and interrupt your behavior and functionality it can also steal financial information, monitor web-browsing activity for marketing purposes, or route HTTP requests to advertising sites. Antivirus and spyware protection is a war you have to wage every day. Without professional antivirus and spyware removal services and support you could be left with the high cost of service interruptions, lost data and a threatened reputation with your customers.


With our antivirus and spyware removal services and support, we can turn up the heat on potential hackers who try to infiltrate your IT system. We regularly scan your system for rogue applications and suspicious downloads and work with you to determine just how stringent these scans need to be for your maximum protection. We also do the following:
> Update licensed security software
> Check for computer updates
> Initiate security scans
> Detect and remove security threats
> Guard against viruses, spyware, phishing, malware, and


Our Virus Blocker and Spyware Blocker are best-of-breed antivirus and spyware removal applications for businesses. We employ a multi-layered approach to security, starting with a hosted antispam solution that scans for and blocks spam, viruses, and spyware from emails before they even get to your mailbox, a gateway security device that scans for viruses and spyware from other threat vectors such as the Web, to endpoint security that protects local machines and performs regular deep scans for threats.

EasemyIT’s proactive approach to virus and spyware protection and removal is less costly than dealing with the after effects of a virus or spyware attack. Start protecting your business today by calling EasemyIT.